David Rudd

David is an Accountant with over 15 years’ experience in helping a large number of different business owners in numerous sectors from consulting agencies to every area of construction you can think of.

At home dealing with numerous different types of accounting software from Xero to QBO and everything in between.  David is always on the lookout for new technology to help business owners to create more time for themselves and their teams.

With a healthy ambition of never resting on the results of yesterday, David is at his best when working with ambitious business owners who want to improve their businesses for eventual sale.

In his spare time, David is often found cheering on his two boys at football, building Lego (which he pretends is for his boys) or watching the latest TV series on Netflix.

Self employed person checking accounts
Self-Employed Income Support SEISS claiming the 5th final...

Application must be made before 30 Sept 2021 This e-mail is relevant to self-employed taxpayers. The final Self-Employed Income Support...

Business, people and discussions
National Insurance and Dividend Tax increases from April...

The National Insurance (NIC) and dividend tax increases announced yesterday will apply from April 2022 and will be repackaged, in...

self assessment advice
Self Assessment Second Payment on Account Due 31...

For those taxpayers that complete a personal tax return, “Payments on account” are advance payments towards your tax bill for...

Person checking personal accounts
Self-Employed Income Support SEISS claiming the 5th final...

This e-mail is relevant to self-employed taxpayers. Please read the following notes that provide advance warning on tax office communications...

Company director working on a laptop
The top 5 tips on director’s loans

Ok, before we start, what on earth is a director’s loan? A director’s loan is money that you, as a...

Builder with his van
Self-Employed Income Support SEISS

Self-Employed Income Support SEISS claiming the 5th final grant May to September 2021   Claims process for the final Self-Employed...

Small business payroll
Top 5 tips for making sure you get...

Ok, before we start, what on earth is a P11d? A P11d is a part of small business payroll, it's...

Small business advisors
Government Support Schemes Recovery Loan Scheme

Since the COVID 19 outbreak Government funding and support has been hugely helpful to many business owners. With the closing...

small company tax advice
7 ways to extract profits from your small...

The 2021-22 tax year has started and it may be prudent to review the way you extract funds from your...

Self employed carpenter working
Self-Employed Income Support Scheme – 4th grant February...

Look out for communication from HMRC April 2021 HMRC will be contacting you in mid-April to let you know if...

Piggy bank wearing a mask
Bounce Back Loan Scheme – Pay As You...

You may have received, or are about to receive, a letter from your bank if you took out a government-backed...

Tax Free Sign
The top tax free benefits for you and...

We love helping you and your team with little known tax savings tips.  With this in mind, we have put...

Giving advise to a construction company
Top 5 habits of successful construction businesses

We work with some incredibly successful clients in the construction industry, and over the years have given some valuable small...

Coins stacked up
National Minimum Wage for year starting 1 April...

As an employer, it is critical that you ensure your team are paid at least to the level of the...

Self employed construction worker
Self-Employed Income Support Claiming 4th and 5th grants,...

**This is relevant to people who started self employment after 5 April 2019**   HMRC will be contacting people who...

People shaking hands
Government support schemes Coronavirus interruption loan scheme (CIBLs)...

Since the Covid 19 outbreak Government funding and support has been hugely helpful to many business owners. Given the falling...

Being the boss
How to be the best boss you can...

Over the years, we have worked in partnership some amazing bosses.  Given this, we wanted to share our 5 top...

Chancellor delivering the budget impact statement
Budget Impact Statement 2021: How will you be...

The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, presented his 2021 Budget on 3 March 2021. The extent to which the measures will affect...

Person starting up a business
Starting up your new business, what you need...

Setting up a new business can be daunting, but by taking the right steps and applying the right structure early...

A person managing finances on a calculator
How to manage small business finances during the...

In between national lockdowns and other government restrictions, it can be difficult for small businesses to plan ahead and budget...

Calculator and an alarm clock
The Pandemic’s Impact on Taxation 2021

The increase in government spending last year has called for most of us to wonder if there will be tax...

Steven Burton & Co team
How to protect your business by managing cash

As a small business owner, managing the cash coming into and out of your business is essential for protecting your...

Entrepreneur Handling Their Finances
An Accountant’s Guide to Handling Your Finances as...

Entrepreneurs are often required to wear many hats which includes having to manage the finances and taxation of a business....

Built on cloud accountancy:

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